Stop judging yourself

picture credit: A baby doesn't speak all the alphabet correctly the first time but we don't judge the baby's future based on that because the baby looks adorable with all her flaws, just like you. We all are imperfect beings and unique in ourselves. Our beauty lies in that uniqueness. You don't have to …

A masterpiece

Not many stars show in the sky nowadays. perhaps busy recreating their own light after falling into the abyss. after all, it's from the shattered dreams, broken hopes and rock bottom, that an art emerges, which is nothing less than a masterpiece. Don't forget to share your feedback through like, comment and subscription. It …

The last time I saw you

The last time I saw you, you were lost and broken tasting failures one after another, you were hopeless and frustrated you were almost undiscoverable how did all this happen? how did you become such beautiful art? how is it that your glow shines like gold? now I realize, that a person's true potential can …

It is all about the journey

Sometimes your story doesn't make any sense to you. You keep going in the hope that somewhere down the line all will be fine and everything will fall into place but that doesn't happen and you are dejected. But sometime later along the journey, you discover your place - your home. While wearing the shoes …